10 Steps to success

The core set of rules and strategies here at Crypto Leo, learn them and start practicing and implementing their techniques when appropriate!

The 10 Basics of Crypto Leo
1. Basic VIP Rules/Standards of Conduct
  • Be kind and respectful of other members. Crypto Leo is a community of likeminded traders who want to see success for everyone; we are all in this together!
  • Avoid posting too much about non-related trade related topics.
  • Try and maintain a sense of humor and open mindedness.
  • Avoid posting NSFW content.
2. Types of Calls
  • Short Term: Could last minutes to about 3 days.
  • Medium Term: Could be 0 days to 1-2 weeks.
  • Long Term: Benefits within weeks to multiple months. The length of time can vary,
  • We do not entertain, or encourage pump and dump calls. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, so if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong place! This group is designed to generate profits while encouraging personal growth as traders. We believe that if you teach a man (or woman) to fish, you feed them for a lifetime; and that’s what we aim to do at Crypto Leo.
  • Some days there will be no new calls. Although this doesn’t happen often,  occasionally, the market will behave in such a way where the most profitable action for your portfolio is to simply take no action at all.
3. The 10% Rule
  • Usually this rule applies to all event based calls, but it can be applied to all trades.
  • Principally, if you’re able to get 10% returns every day, the exponential growth potential is phenomenal.
  • When a call is made, especially short term or event based call, the moment you hit 10%, we suggest you exit. Even if a higher target is listed, a conservative 10% profit is always preferable. This is especially important for those starting with limited capital.

4. FUD/FOMO Rules
  • FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Whenever you encounter suspected FUD (through an article or something someone has said), try and take a step back and relax for a second before making any rash decisions. Often times these FUD moments are when traders (new and experienced) lose the most of their hard-earned money. Do your best not to panic, and remember that the market generally offers opportunities for coins to rebound over time.
  • FOMO: You see a coin, or hear a call that shoots up 10/15%. It seems like there may be a potential to reach higher targets, and you see a frenzy of chatter online regarding a coin. DO NOT ENTER! This is your fear of missing out (FOMO) coming into play. ALWAYS buy on the dips. This is something that will help you gain capital overtime, while minimising your risks.
  • Both FUD and FOMO are two of the hardest aspects master while trading, mainly because they deal with psychological impulses that cloud our normally logical minds. Fear not, for over time you will learn to control these emotions and use them to your advantage.

5. Long Term Holds
  • Try to avoid looking at calls in terms of minutes, hours, days. There are coins that are excellent choices fundamentally, and they will go up and down with the market.  
  • Focusing more on long term holds will allow you to avoid panic selling at losses, and you will enjoy more profits with a lot less stress.

6. Weekly Discussion
  • Once a week Leo will pick a topic to delve into that has been presented to him by the community. Stay tuned for these updates and discussions as they develop. 

7. BTC Drop and Gain Rules
  • When BTC drops, ALT coins will inevitably drop.
  • At this point, convert your alt coins in profits to BTC before it drops, and then purchase cheap alt coins with the capital you have available.
  • When BTC gains a large amount, your alt coins will bleed then as well. You can then move your profits into BTC, wait for them to surge, and then purchase cheap alt coins once they hit your newly placed low bids.

8. Hold/Loss Rule
  • NEVER sell at a loss! Even If your investment is at 60-70% loss, never sell (unless the coin is being delisted).
  • By not selling, and being patient, you are more likely to break even over a period of time.
  • If you start selling at a loss, you’ll start becoming increasingly panicky as a trader and much less effective. Over time you will realize that your portfolio has shrunk from all the losses that add up from these panic sells.
  • It takes a lot of time to gain the emotional and mental discipline to break these habits, but it is almost always worth being patient.
  • If you’re not sure what to do, sometimes the best option is to do nothing at all and HODL!

9. Stop-Loss Strategies
  • One of the central concepts for minimising trading risk is known as a stop-loss. A stop-loss is a type of bidding order to sell any commodity or security at a specified price within a loss threshold. Ideally, you should set your stop loss at 10% below your entry when there is a fear or perception that the coin could crash as easily as it is climbing. This is a technique that can be utilised across all trades in this very volatile cryptocurrency market to reduce overall risks. You can also utilise this technique if your available capital is limited, and you can’t afford your normal spread of losses. Generally, you can avoid stop-loss orders on longer term coins that you believe have solid fundamentals. These long-term investments may drop periodically, but in general quickly rise back to previous support levels established by their more robust trading history.
  • Similarly, you can utilize this type of order to do what we like to call “Profit Maximization”. When a coin is steadily rising beyond your initial targets, you can place a conditional sell order at 10% below the current value to help make sure you retain the most of your profits. For example; say you have a target of 100 on a coin and it’s soared up to 120 quickly. Usually you’d sell for a tidy 10% profit, but you think the coin may continue to use. In order to prevent you losing your earnings with a sudden drop, you could place a conditional sell order at 110. This sell order would trigger in case of a sharp decline in value, thus allowing you to at least retain a large portion of your earnings without having to worry about getting stuck in a sudden loss. You can repeat this process if the price continues to drive up, and adjust your sell order to reflect the next 10% earning point. 

10. Content Sharing
  • Do not forward voice messages or any information with anyone outside of the group, including the free group. As VIP members you’re paying for these benefits, and we want to be sure you’re getting the most for your membership investment. A lot of time and effort goes into each call, discussion, and analysis that we provide for our members, so please respect and value the hard work our team puts in.


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