Leocast Transcript - December 17th, 2017

Hey everyone, for those of you who may have missed some of the more important voice messages (or what we like to call the Leocast) in our Telegram channel, we will be posting the transcripts for your benefit. Big thank you to our team members for making these possible.
Leocast Transcript - December 17th 2017

Cheers everyone, This is specifically going to be a post on BTC, what your seeing in  CBOE/FUTURES  coming in was low volume and now is history because a lot of their calls have  technically failed because January has not yet arrived and BTC passed 18.5k. Now is CME/FUTURES listing and they may go higher. If they put a number like 23k or 24k for BTC, you will see frantic buying of BTC happening at the expense of altcoins and fresh money. BTC moving 20% in a day is not a doubt so IF CME  comes and the listing says 24k at the month of January there will be tons of BTC loyal people who are going to want to see that get broken. They will pump btc to those values and there is enough fresh money that has flown in that can make BTC move to those values.

All your coins pumping on your call sheet are simply going to flow into BTC because of the amount BTC is going move plus a lot of fresh money coming in will push things up. While those of you are enjoying the benefits of alt coins please refer to the previous post about BTC dominance.

You need to keep that in mind If CME/Futures lists and it gives a higher value number to BTC like 25k , please expect it to be hit within the next couple days. Simply move into btc, enjoy the ride and go back into your alt coins. If you decide to not play to the trade then the fresh money coming in afterwards will have altcoins booming. Which we have predicted to be in Q1 2018. That is going to be fuel for all your coins.

Right now you are seeing BTC moving marginally and in turn altcoins have been moving. But in all previous runs where even when BTC has moved 2-3% in a day you would see alt coins dipping. That has not been seen over the last couple of days.  Does that mean there is a change in the way people are looking at cryptos? Too early to tell but likely. We have to see what comes up with the CME listing. Once it comes in place i think it's going to be a matter of time before BTC gets completely adapted to mainstream. You have tax regulations coming across in every exchange. Governments are looking to clamp things down, (regulations, anti money laundering act,  identifiers etc). this is not a cause of worry of concern  this is only a cause of concern for those who want to make blacklisted money.  For people in this as true investors; its like owning something in its early stage and when it develops it will be exponential for a lot of us. I've been welcoming the fact that everything gets regulated because it puts the coins under a scanner and you have it moving in controlled measures, it also  gives other coins the opportunity to live up to their full potential rather than be influenced by BTC.

If CME futures makes the call at 24-25k there will an exponential surge to buy BTC. It's already moved 10-15% since yesterday. Very important that you guys know this is happening, and in case CME tries to short BTC there will be a lot of panic sellers and the market can dip. However you will  not need to worry about it if you are in alt coins because the FUTURES is only going to be bet against BTC. When CME is  calling bets it's only against the value that bitcoin is holding. The value of BTC may drop and we may go to a bear phase but the alt coins will continue to boom as long as the cryptosphere is kept intact by governments and regulations. So until cryptocurrency is mainstream in the medium term and long term every single alt coin you see will outperform BTC.

It will if crypto currencies are not clamped down, you will see the exponential differences between altcoins and BTC. Once the dominance comes down you will have a wonderful time being in alt coins. Irrespective of whether CME shorts or goes long you don't have to worry or panic. This was the case until a few weeks ago when we were worried about cryptocurrencies. I don't think governments are going to ban them anymore. At most they will put it under regulations, try to get information, and treat it like a stock market. You are just the early buyer into whatever shares exist and people will fomo buy. So cheers to that, I think we are close to a revolution in terms of finding a new financial model, a place to invest in and a place to get high returns on . I think all of us here will benefit out of it. I think there is history in the making for a lot of the people involved right now. This is truly going to be a technology adoption. Crypto and  blockchain are paving the way until quantum mechanics comes through but Maybe that's a post for some other time.

Cheers and have a great day!


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