
Leocast Transcript - December 17th, 2017

Hey everyone, for those of you who may have missed some of the more important voice messages (or what we like to call the Leocast) in our Telegram channel, we will be posting the transcripts for your benefit. Big thank you to our team members for making these possible. --- Leocast Transcript - December 17th 2017 Cheers everyone, This is specifically going to be a post on BTC, what your seeing in  CBOE/FUTURES  coming in was low volume and now is history because a lot of their calls have  technically failed because January has not yet arrived and BTC passed 18.5k. Now is CME/FUTURES listing and they may go higher. If they put a number like 23k or 24k for BTC, you will see frantic buying of BTC happening at the expense of altcoins and fresh money. BTC moving 20% in a day is not a doubt so IF CME  comes and the listing says 24k at the month of January there will be tons of BTC loyal people who are going to want to see that get broken. They will pump btc to those values and there is en

Leocast Transcript - December 16th 2017 pt.1

The Leocast Transcript: December 16th,  2017 pt. 1 ---      Good  Morning  everyone,  I  thought  it  was  important  for  me  to  send  this  note  out  looking at  the  way  the  market  is  progressing.  The  CBOE/FUTURES  has  been  obliterated  ,  they  were pegging  btc  to  be  about  18.5k  and  it's  already  crossed  19k.  Those  who  had    bet  on  18.5k    can say  goodbye  to  their  bets.  BTC  has  gone  up  to  19k  which  essentially  means  that  people  are going  to  fomo’ing  more.  I  think  a  lot  of  it  is  going  to  depend  on  the  CME/Futures  coming  in. Keep  in  mind  the  FUTURES  does  not  have  the  availability  to  short  bitcoin.  I  think  with  CME  and the  others  coming  in  it  might  be  a  possible  potential  play.  That  being  said  I  think  the  last  couple days  has  been  crazy,  altcoins  have  been  surging  along  with  bitcoin.  What  worries  me  is  the amount  of  pumps  that  are  happening  in  altcoins  although

What should we expect from BITCOIN

Guys, anyone who is trying to predict BTC right now is going to be on the hot seat! I think Alex did a great job charting BTC the other day and the possibilities of where it could go. One scenario we have, is that BTC has already corrected back to the $5500 levels, where we may see another run up to $10,000. However some would argue that the drop to those $5000 levels last week was a result of the BCH (Bitcoin Cash) run. If you were to ask me right now where I think BTC is going, I don’t think myself or anyone else could tell you. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t have indicators as to what behavior might take place. The market indicators are both positive and negative. On one hand there are indications we will reach the $10,000 range; and on the other we have some indicators that BTC may drop to the $5200 levels again, as predicted previously, essentially similar patterns to what we saw last week with the BCH run. Now, let’s take a look at why I feel BTC has the potential to

Back to basics - The world of Crypto

Initially, it can be extremely daunting trying to figure out the first steps in your journey towards becoming a successful crypto trader or investor. Where and how should I purchase my first bit of crypto coin? Where is my cryptocurrency stored? What’s an “exchange” and which provide the most benefits or features that I’ll want when trading? What are the best practices for making sure my investments are safe and secure from malicious hackers? Rest assured, there are no stupid questions, and no question that hasn’t likely been answered before when it comes to some of these crypto-basics. Over the course of the next several blog posts, we will be explaining some of these basics and best practices so you can get to investing and trading in no time. Before we take any steps into the world of investing or trading cryptocurrencies, you have to have a grasp on what a cryptocurrency actually is. By definition, a cryptocurrency is a peer to peer digital asset system, designed to work as

10 Steps to success

The core set of rules and strategies here at Crypto Leo, learn them and start practicing and implementing their techniques when appropriate! The 10 Basics of Crypto Leo 1. Basic VIP Rules/Standards of Conduct Be kind and respectful of other members. Crypto Leo is a community of likeminded traders who want to see success for everyone; we are all in this together! Avoid posting too much about non-related trade related topics. Try and maintain a sense of humor and open mindedness. Avoid posting NSFW content. 2. Types of Calls Short Term: Could last minutes to about 3 days. Medium Term: Could be 0 days to 1-2 weeks. Long Term: Benefits within weeks to multiple months. The length of time can vary, We do not entertain, or encourage pump and dump calls. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, so if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong place! This group is designed to generate profits while encouraging personal growth as traders. We believ


Greetings and welcome to the Crypto Leo Blog! We are a group of likeminded cryptocurrency traders looking to grow our portfolios and increase our knowledge in the world of trading. Our group is here to give you the best strategies, confident signals, news and trend analysis you need to become a better trader. Here at Crypto Leo we provide you with fundamental, technical, and real time analysis of various alt coins through the Crypto Leo Alt channel. We are also dedicated to supplementing your journey towards becoming a better trader with valuable resources on topics related to optimised trading practices for reducing risk and maximising profits. Furthermore, membership access also includes the ability to receive private 1 on 1 insight and analysis of your current portfolio, and ideas on how to navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market. VIP members also have access to exclusive referral benefits and other reward programs, feel free to ask any admin within the telegram gro